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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend 2014

Well, I’m finally back at work after the 3 day Memorial Day weekend, and I must say – I really enjoyed not being on any kind of schedule, and seeing there the day takes me!  Go back to sleep after waking up too early?  Sure!!  Nothing going on this morning?  Enjoy catching up on your DVR!  Nothing going on this afternoon?  Why not take a walk in Old Colorado City??  Getting up and going wherever, whenever, with no worries about when you need to be home or somewhere else – I could get used to this.  Despite not having any real plans for the weekend, I ended up having a pretty full schedule!  And I loved every minute of it!

Friday night, I met up with a new friend of mine who just finished her first year of teaching.  To celebrate, she wanted to head out to Old Colorado City to Thunder and Buttons for their weekly Bingo game and a beer!  A local radio station holds a free Bingo game there every Friday night, and they have really great prizes available, like tickets to concerts at Red Rocks.  Sadly, none of us won any prizes, and the event wrapped up around 8 pm.  We hadn’t really eaten yet, and had only had some hummus and veggies to snack on, so we walked across the street to Front Range BBQ for some really great home-cooked meals.  We got there just in time too – there was a BIG rainstorm moving in, and no sooner did we get inside, then the heavens opened and the rain and hail poured down!  Fortunately, it let up just enough for us to quickly walk back to our cars after dinner, and then it started pouring again!  I fell asleep that night to a steady stream of raindrops and thunder and lightning – it was just amazing!!

This is my kind of a "30-somethings" Bingo Night!

Saturday morning was one of those great days where I woke up at the crack of dawn, but was able to fall back asleep and enjoy a few more hours of sleep before taking a shower and bring Zach his usual Saturday  morning breakfast at work – a Starbucks coffee and a blueberry muffin.  It’s something I started doing when we first started dating, so that I could see him more often, plus I felt like it was something small I could do since he had to work on a weekend, and no one really likes that!!

After stopping by to see Zach, I met my sister and her family in town from Berthoud for breakfast.  We took our time enjoying Panera Bread, and then headed over to Territory Days in Old Colorado City, which is held each Memorial Day weekend, and is kind of an unofficial kick off to summer.  We were lucky enough to enjoy a day with a slight cloud cover but no rain, so it wasn’t too hot or sticky, and we didn’t get rained out!  Afterwards, we stopped by the Colorado Mountain Brewery, which is a local favorite place for myself and Zach, and enjoyed yet another great meal!! 

We had a great time at Territory Days!!

Sunday morning I was able to coordinate a small field trip for Susan, Byron and the kids to see Zach at work, and check out all his golf equipment!!  Owen is especially in love with all things “machines” – tractors, monster trucks, fire engines – basically anything with big wheels and engines and lights!  Zach has been willing to give them a tour for a while, but it hasn’t really worked out for them until this weekend!  We spent about a half an hour with them climbing on all the tractors and machines before Zach had to get back out on the course, and then we decided to drive around to see if there was something fun we could do!  We ended up stopping at the Starsmore Discovery Center in the neighborhood behind the Broadmoor, and the kids enjoyed checking out the nature!  We had a quick lunch at Noodles, Inc. before I left and headed home for a while to relax. 

Zach was a good sport, giving them a ride in his golf cart (I think that made their day!!) and for letting them climb over all the machines!!

The three kids outside of the Starsmore Discover Center after the trip to the Broadmoor!

Zach ended up going back into work to play a few holes on his golf course, and I headed out to shop for a pair of shorts – it still surprises me each year how I can never seem to find or fit into the shorts I do have, and I always end up having to go buy more!  While I was shopping, he gave me a call and let me know a climbing friend of his was having a small BBQ and would I want to stop by?  Well, sure!!  We grabbed a six pack to bring with us, and spent a few hours chatting with some new and old friends, and had a nice night out.

But wait … there’s more!

Monday was Memorial Day, and the only day that I didn’t have anything planned, not even tentatively!  Susan and her family were heading back up to Berthoud, Zach unfortunately had to work, and friends that I would have hung out with were all out of town.  So I was on my own!  Instead of going back to sleep this time, I stayed up and watched some great shows on the Food Network, and enjoyed the regularly scheduled day-time programming that I always miss while I’m at work during the week!  Zach called me around 11:30 to see if I wanted to meet up for lunch, and we met up at Qdoba for a quick meal.  He had to run back to work, and ended up working a 12 hour day, which was pretty stressful for him, so I hope our lunch break was a little bit of a bright spot in his day! 

After lunch, we got another rainstorm, and after that passed through, I thought it would be nice to get outside and at least enjoy some exercise and walk to Old Colorado City for Territory Days again.  It was a MADHOUSE!!  It was by far less crowded when I went on Saturday morning with my family, so needless to say, I didn’t enjoy it as much on Monday.  But, they did have a special presentation for Veterans around 3 pm in the city center, so I stuck around for that before heading home.  Zach and I spent that night just enjoying some Chinese food and watched Frequency – which, shockingly to us, came out 14 years ago!!  Just crazy to think about…

Celebrating our troops on Memorial Day - Past, present and future!  Thank you for serving!!

Looking back, I can’t believe I fit all that into the weekend, and it somehow seems like it was a nice, long weekend, but also went TOO fast.  I definitely got some great memories out of it though!!